Stats : In Five Years, Grid Disturbances Drop By 76%

In recent years,  the number of grid disturbances/ system collapses  has gradually reduced, contrary to popular opinion.

Clearly, between  2020 to date (five years), we recorded fourteen total and six partial grid disturbances totalling twenty (20), which represents 76.47% reduction in grid disturbance, when compared to the previous five years, (2015 to 2019) where we had  sixty-four total and  twenty-one partial grid disturbances, totalling eighty-five (85) times. 

This improvement is, however, not unconnected to the continuous effort by the management under Engr. Sule Abdulaziz to strategically expand the grid while harnessing in-house capacities to finding solutions to grid stability, pending the deployment of SCADA/EMs.

No doubt there is room for improvement, and TCN will continue to work hard to further reduce the number of grid disturbances to the barest minimum.

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